Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya

(A multi-faculty college affiliated to Vidyasagar University and funded by UGC & Govt. of W.B.)
Vill. & P.O.-Kapgari: Dist.-Jhargram (W.B.): Pin.–721 505

Central Library: Rules & Regulations

The Central Library of Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya has been maintaining certain rules & regulations to ensure smooth functioning and provide a conducive environment for learning rather self-learning. The following are the different rules & regulations for the users, i.e., Students, Teachers, and Staff Members of College:

  • Silence must be observed in the Library.
  • Loitering, Gossiping, Smoking, Eating is strictly prohibited.
  • Users should switch off their mobile phones inside the Library
  • Users are advised to avoid talking and/or discussion so as not to create disturbance to other users/ readers.
  • The Student, to whom the book was last issued, would be held responsible for any damage, defacement or mutilation, detected at the time of return.
  • Members are required to carry their library membership card while visiting the Library and must show them at the request/ order of the Library Staff. They should remember the Library Membership Card Number for easy retrieval of the same at the time of Circulation.
  • Users are requested to switch off electric fans and lights when not required in the Reading Room.
  • Chairs and tables should not be disturbed from their position.
  • Mutilation of library materials and damage to library property are serious offences. The members shall be held responsible for any damage done to the documents or any other property belonging to the Central Library, and shall be required to replace such books/ property damaged.
  • All members associated with the College should obtain Clearance Certificate from the Central Library before being released from the College.
  • Users are requested to sign in the “Users’ Register” mentioning ‘in time’ before using the Library as well as Reading Room and also mention the ‘out time’ before leaving.
  • Unauthorized displacement of any library documents/ material will be treated as theft and dealt accordingly.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any user found misbehaving with the Library Staff of the College or any other member.
  • Suggestions for the improvement of the Library services are welcome


  • All the Faculties, Staff Members and Students of the College are automatically eligible for membership of the College Central Library. However, an application in the prescribed form (available in the Central Library) has to be filled in to receive a “Library Membership Card”.
  • The Library Membership Card is NON-TRANSFERABLE and the user will be held responsible for its misuse.
  • The loss of this Card must be reported immediately.
  • In case of ‘Student’, an amount of Rs. 10/- (Ten) only will be charged for duplicate card.
  • In the case of repeated loss of Library Membership Cards, the Central Library may deny the user’s access to the services of the Central Library.


  • The Central Library has the Lending Service for the Students, Teachers & Staff Members.
  • Only Books are available for Lending Service. Rare Books, Journals & Magazines will not be issued on lending.
  • A student can take only one (1) book at a time for Reading Room use against his/her Library Membership Card/ College’s Identity Card. Separate Reading Slip must be filled in for each book.
  • Users are advised not to leave the Circulation Counter until all the formalities are completed and with the concurrence of the respective Library Staff.
  • Books are to be returned on the date last mentioned on Date Label.
  • Books and/or Documents shall be issued only to the Membership Card Holder in his/her presence.
  • No Book and/or Document will be issued during the Examination Period
  • Minimum one book of each title present in the Central Library is reserved for Reading Room use.
  • Outsiders, i.e., those who are not associated with the College, may also use the Books & Documents in the Reading Room with prior permission of the Principal.
  • The following Table indicates the category-wise eligibility of lending books from the Central Library:
Sl. No. Member’s Category Maximum No. of Book(s) to be IssuedMaximum Days to be kept
1. Full Time Teachers 08 90 days
2. SACT I & II 06 90 days
3. Non-Teaching Staff Members 04 90 days
4. Casual Staff Members As per permission given by the Principal of the College
5. Students with Honours 04 15 Days
6. Students with General Subjects 04 15 Days

4.Late Returns and Fines:

  • A fine of Rs. 1/- per day per book will be charged for books kept beyond the due date.
  • Fine will be charged from next day of the due date.
  • Fine will be received at the Cash Office of the College.

5. Lost and Damaged Books:

  • Members are obliged to protect and not cause damage to the library items.
  • If the Librarian is not informed about a lost book before the return date, a late fine is also charged
  • Any book lost/damaged by any student should be replaced by same or current edition of that particular book or pay the double of the present price of the lost or damaged books./li>

6.Admission to the Stack Area:

  • Only one student will be allowed to enter in the Stack area at a time with prior permission
  • Personal books, bags, etc. will not be allowed in the Stack area.
  • No student will be allowed to enter in the Stack area when there is a rush at the Circulation Counter.